Energy Efficiency Certificates

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are a legal requirement on all properties that are marketed for sale or rent.

We can help with your residential energy assessments …

An EPC gives a prospective buyer, tenant or homeowner, information on the energy efficiency of the property, with a grading from A-G, with ‘A’ being the most efficient. It also provides recommendations about how to reduce energy use and save money.

Most people are concerned about rising energy costs and how to control them and an EPC highlights any further improvements that could be made to maximize comfort and savings. With a substantial amount of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions resulting from our daily energy usage at home and in travel, even small improvements can make a significant contribution to the environment.

  • Private property vendors
  • Landlords
  • Solicitors
  • Social Housing Sector

Other services include:

  • Legionella Risk Assessments
  • Inventories
  • PAT (Portable Appliance Testing)

Our Energy and Retrofit Assessors are Trustmark registered with Elmhurst Energy – The UK’s largest government approved accreditation body.